Brigitte Weingart teaches German Literature and Film Studies at Bonn University. She is currently working on a book on fascination and the intersecting epistemologies of magic and emotion.

Her research and teaching areas focus on the intersections of literature, popular culture, and media history. Former books include a study on Infectious Words. Representations of AIDS (Ansteckende Wörter. Repräsentionen von AIDS, Suhrkamp Verlag 2002) as well as co-edited volumes on the trope of the virus (Virus! Mutationen einer Metapher, Transcript 2004), »original copies« (Originalkopie – Praktiken des Sekundären, Dumont 2004), the relationships between the visible and the speakable (Sichtbares und Sagbares – Text-Bild-Verhältnisse, Dumont 2005), and the communication of rumours (Die Kommunikation der Gerüchte, Wallstein 2008).

Office Hours




Universität der Künste Berlin / The Berlin University of the Arts
Professor for Media Theory
Postal Address: Postfach 120544 • D-10595 Berlin
Office: Mierendorffstr. 28-30 • 10589 Berlin (room 111)


Interests & Fields of Research